New River Chapter
Welcome to the New River Chapter of the ASV. Come join, and help make mountain archeology active again.
Lyle Browning, Chapter Pres.
Joey Moldenhauer, Treasurer
Email: For information on meeting dates, etc., contact us and be sure to mention this Chapter name.
Times: Varies, recently members have been joining meetings of the Rke Chapter-ASV
Place: NRV-ASV meetings have been held at Blacksburg and Radford Public Libraries
Recent project has been the development of the “Roanoke River-Smith Mtn Lake”-(RRSML) Research account at the National Bank of Blacksburg to help fund research along the Roanoke River Drainage and at the ASV’s excavation and survey at Smith Mtn Lake. First grant was $300 paid to Smithsonian Archeologist Joe Gingrich to do blood residue analysis of lithic diagnostics from site 44Py152.
To work with the public to engage more young people in archeology, to work with assisting public and contract archeologists in their research efforts and to work closer with the academic elements at Va. Tech and Radford University. To work in bringing the ASV back to the people in a more centralized center.