Massanutten Chapter
The Massanutten Chapter of the Archeological Society of Virginia in located in the central Shenandoah Valley. Established in 1979, the group is composed of people from all backgrounds, including retired folks, archaeologists, and students. We all have in common a love of archaeology, the desire to increase our knowledge of those who came before us, and the goal of telling their stories. Chapter members have opportunities to participate in survey and excavation of archaeological sites, laboratory work with artifacts, field trips, and fellowship activities throughout the year. We gather monthly at the Bridgewater Town Hall.
Chair: Cindy Schroer, President
Contact phone: 540-248-4933 (NOT ok to text)
Mailing Address: 1268 Limestone Road, Mt. Sidney, VA 24467
Meeting Dates: First Wednesdays of the month, with exception of July and December
Meeting Location: Arey Hall, Bridgewater Municipal Building, 201 Green Street, Bridgewater, VA 2281
Chapter Facebook Page: Massanutten Chapter – Archeological Society of Virginia
Current Projects: Morris Pottery Kiln (44RM0430): site maintenance and artifact curation.
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