Thank you for your interest in joining the Archeological Society of Virginia.
In the form below, you will choose your level of membership, the local chapter you would like to join (whether it’s one closest to you, or closest to your interests), and method of membership payment. You will be contacted shortly by the ASV once your membership is accepted.
The objectives of the Archeological Society of Virginia are to study Virginia archaeology, locate and conserve archaeological sites, encourage the use of scientific methods, develop better techniques, and share archaeological knowledge. All applicants must promote the ASV’s objectives, and by signing this form, acknowledge your support of the ASV’s Code of Ethics.
Memberships are valid for the entire calendar year from Jan. 1st to Dec. 31st. Renewals are due by January 31st.
1) You may join/renew on-line securely with the form below; or
2) Mail your membership by completing this form and sending payment with checks payable to “ASV,” to:
Patrick O’Neill
ASV Membership Sec.
9902 Rand Drive
Burke, VA 22015
Prompt remittance ensures members continue to receive the Quarterly Bulletin and ASV Newsletter. Only digital back-issues of these items will be sent after their original publication. Other benefits include notification of Society-supervised archeological activities and invitations to events at ASV headquarters at Kittiewan in Charles City County.
(You will choose type at checkout)
Active (regular) Membership $35
Add’l Family Member Membership $3 ea.
Senior (65+) Membership $25
Student/Junior Membership $15
Life Membership $450
Institutional Membership $30
International Institutional Membership $45
Sustaining Membership $65
That is entirely up to you…and you may join as many as you wish. But choose one primary “home” chapter to start.
Click here to see chapter locations around the state, and information about each.
Feel free to reach out to the chapter president of a group in which you are interested – they will be happy to tell you about their focus and activities!
In the form below, you will be asked to agree to abide by ASV’s Bylaws and Code of Ethics.