2024 ASV Call for Papers and Posters
The Archeological Society of Virginia is calling for archaeological papers for their 2024 Annual Meeting on October 4-6, 2024.
The meeting will be held at the Fort Magruder Hotel and Conference Center, located at 6945 Pocahontas Trail, Williamsburg, VA 23185.
Members of the ASV, COVA, colleges and universities, and others are encouraged to participate.
Formal presentations – 20 minutes.
Student presentations – 20 minutes.
Poster presentations also welcome.
Handouts and other publicity for your archaeology organizations are encouraged.
Presenters must be members of ASV and registered for the meeting.
Deadline for abstract submission is Friday, August 9, 2024.
Please email abstracts in Word or as PDF to both the Program Committee Co-Chairs, Dr. Michael Barber: archaeova@gmail.com and Dr. Stephanie Jacobe: stephaniea.t.jacobe@gmail.com, and include the following information:
For info on the Student Paper Competition, contact Co-Chair Stephanie Jacobe: stephaniea.t.jacobe@gmail.com
Student Paper and Poster Competition
The Archeological Society of Virginia (ASV) provides cash prizes and publication to the best student papers and posters presented at the Annual ASV Meeting, which will be held this year at the Fort Magruder Hotel and Conference located at 6945 Pocahontas Trail, Williamsburg, VA 23185, October 4-6, 2023. The competition is open to undergraduate and graduate students in their first two years of study.
Three award categories exist, recognizing student research contributions in for papers:
• The McCary Award for the best paper in First Peoples Archaeology
• The Williams Award for the best paper in Historical Archaeology
• The Virginia Museum of Natural History Award for the best collections-based paper.
• The Best Student Poster Award
All winners will be announced at the ASV Banquet on October 5th. Awards of $100.00 are provided to contest winners, once their winning paper or poster is submitted to the ASV’s Quarterly Bulletin for publication.
1. By Friday, August 9, 2024 send a paper or poster abstract to both Program Committee Co-Chairs, Dr. Michael Barber: archaeova@gmail.com and Dr. Stephanie Jacobe: stephaniea.t.jacobe@gmail.com
2. Students should prepare a written version of their presentation or a draft of their poster as a PDF, to be submitted by Friday, September 13, 2024. This written paper or draft poster PDF should be provided to Dr. Jacobe as an email attachment. It will be distributed to the judges, who will review it ahead of the meeting.
3. In addition, paper presentation participants should prepare an oral presentation for the Annual Meeting in October. The presentation should be no more than 20 minutes in length and a PowerPoint slideshow is encouraged. The judges will attend the presentations and evaluate each based on the content, organization, and effectiveness of their presentation, professionalism shown, and the contributions made to the field of Archaeology.
4. Information on how to prepare conference posters can be found: https://www.archaeological.org/pdfs/annualconference/SAA_Bulletin_12(1)_Poster_Primer_A5S.pdf
Posters will be judged on content, organization of material, graphics, effectiveness of presentation, and contributions to the field of Archaeology.
5. Participants are responsible for attending the ASV Annual Meeting in October and for presenting their paper or poster at the assigned time. Awards will be announced at the Annual Banquet, Saturday, October 5, 2024. The ASV will sponsor conference registration, banquet ticket, and one-year membership in the organization for all student presenters.
If you have any questions regarding the Student Paper or Poster Contest or Student Sponsorship at the ASV Annual Meeting, please contact Dr. Jacobe at stephaniea.t.jacobe@gmail.com.